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snmptt SNMP trap handler written in Perl
snort The Open Source Network Intrusion Detection System
snort-rules Network Intrusion Detection System (Community Rules)
socat netcat++ (extended design, new implementation)
socket++ C++ class library for UNIX Sockets with exception handling
socks4 Old library, server and client for using proxy firewall software
socks5 SOCKS v5 application layer gateway and clients
sofia-sip (V) Open-source SIP User-Agent library
solaris-tap Solaris kernel module for virtual Ethernet devices
speedtouch Alcatel SpeedTouch USB ADSL modem driver
spegla Mirror program for FTP sites (written in C)
spiped (V) Tool for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes
spread Group communication system providing a number of messaging services
spreadlogd Daemon to log to file, messages from spread toolkit clients
srsh Emulate rsh client behavior using ssh
sslh Multiplex ssl, ssh, and other connections on the same port
ssmping Ping for Any- and Single-Source Multicast
ssync Invoke rsync to distribute files to a set of hosts
stripes Looking Glass for Zebra and Cisco Routers
sup Network file distribution/synchronisation utility
synergy Let a user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
synergy1.2 Let an user share a mouse and keyboard among computers
sysmon Small and fast network monitoring tool
tacacs Cisco authentication, authorization, and accounting protocol daemon
tacacs-shrubbery Cisco AAA protocol (tacacs+) daemon (Shrubbery Networks version)
tcl-scotty Network management extensions to TCL
tcpdmerge Merge two tcpdump output files
tcpdpriv Anonymize tcpdump traces
tcpdstat Analyze tcpdump output
tcpdump Network monitoring tool
tcpflow Captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections
tcpick Simple tcp sniffer with tcpdump-style rules
tcpillust Graphical TCP connection analysis tool
tcpreplay Replay saved tcpdump or snoop files
tcpslice Tool for extracting portions of tcpdump's packet trace files
tcptrace TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptraceroute Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
teamspeak-client Teamspeak group VoIP client
teamspeak-server Teamspeak group VoIP server
tightvnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
tightvncviewer Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
tinc Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tinyfugue Popular programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tkined Graphical network discovery and monitoring tool based on scotty
tn5250 Implementation of the IBM 5250 telnet protocol
tnftp The enhanced FTP client in NetBSD
tnftpd The NetBSD FTP Daemon
tor Anonymizing overlay network for TCP
torrentutils Manage BitTorrent files and interact with trackers
totd DNS proxy that supports IPv6 <==> IPv4 record translation
traceroute-as Traceroute capable of reporting the AS number of hops
traceroute-nanog Traceroute implementation with extend features
trafshow Full screen visualization of the network traffic
transmission Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
transmission-gtk Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
transmission-qt Free, lightweight BitTorrent client
trickle Portable lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
tsclient GNOME2 Frontend for rdesktop
tsocks Transparent SOCKS proxying library
tspc Tunnel Setup Protocol Client for Freenet6
ttt Tele Traffic Tapper
twittering-mode Emacs client for twitter
twitux GTK+ Twitter client
u6rd User-space 6rd (RFC 5569) implementation
ucarp Common Address Redundancy Protocol (CARP) for Unix
ucspi-ssl Command-line tools for SSL client-server applications
ucspi-tcp Command-line tools for building TCP client-server applications
udns Lightweight DNS resolver supporting asynchronous queries
udpcast Send data simultaneously to many destinations on a LAN
udptunnel Tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection
uftp UFTP is an encrypted multicast file transfer program
unbound DNS resolver and recursive server
unfs3 Userspace NFSv3 server
unison File-synchronization tool
unison2.32 File-synchronization tool (old 2.32 branch)
unworkable BSD-licensed command-line torrent client
upclient Keeps track of your server uptime, and compares it to other hosts
upnpinspector UPnP analyzer
urlgfe Download manager for X
userppp User-PPP package as found in FreeBSD and OpenBSD
ushare (V) UPnP AV Mediaserver
uucp Taylor UUCP
vcheck Latest program version checker and auto-downloader
vde Virtual Distributed Ethernet tools
vinagre VNC client for GNOME
vino VNC server for GNOME
vnc Display X and Win32 desktops on remote X/Win32/Java displays
vncviewer Viewer for remote X and Win32 VNC servers
vnstat Small network traffic monitor
vpnc Client for Cisco3000 VPN Concentrator
vsftpd FTP server that aims to be very secure
vtun Virtual Tunnels over TCP/IP networks with traffic shaping
wakeup Wakeup On LAN client for remote power-up of machines
walker Retrieve a DNS zone using NXT/NSEC traversal
wap-utils Wireless access points UNIX management tool
waste Secure file sharing network
wget Retrieve files from the 'net via HTTP and FTP
wgetpaste Command line utility to upload to pastebin sites
whatmask Easily convert between three common subnet mask notations
whois3 RIPE very simple and generic whois client